Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Cold Environments Work - Yr 13

Hello year 13!

Sorry I have not been able to post onto the blog until now due to login issues. Here are some websites to help you with your research into the other factors that have changed global climate in the past:

Volcanic eruptions

Ocean currents

Two strands to this

The author of this article is E. Linacre in October 1998. Linacre is suggesting that that the release of cold meltwater from the Laurentide Icesheet was responsible for cooling the Labrador Current, and shutting off theconveyor belt which brings warm water from the Gulf Stream.  This happened at the end of the Pleistocene, about 12.9 - 11,000 years ago in a period known as The Younger Dryas i.e when climate cooled by -0.6 C.  The end of the YD is the period we now live in which is known as the Holocene.  The YD was therefore a STADIAL during which glacial ice advanced.

The impact of fresh water running into the Atlantic Ocean is also considered at the following web site:  Have a read of this and  you’ll see the YD mentioned and the idea that the events of 11-13,000 yrs ago could return.

Robert Johnson from the University of Minnesota has put forward a theory which goes against the Milankovich cycles, and explains how a cold period 150-160,000 years ago was produced by ocean currents, despite there being maximum solar radiation reaching the Earth.

I would like to you answer the following questions as you read through the article, which will help you to get to grips with the theory.

·        160,000 to 150,000 years ago the Milankovich theory suggests that there was maximum radiation striking Earth, but a cold phase occurred. Why?
·        What role does the salinity of the oceans play?
·        What impact did large amounts of moisture over Siberia and Europe have?
·        What link is there between salt water and pack ice formation over the Arctic Ocean?
·        Why did water leaving the Med Sea become salty 160,000 years ago?
·        What is happening to the salinity of water in the Med Sea today? Why?
·        How may salty water sinking in Baffin Bay influence the CO2 content of the atmosphere?

I would suggest that everybody does the research, plans out their essays and writes their introduction before we go back (at least). That way we can discuss ideas in the first lesson back.

See you next week,

Miss Davey

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Cover Work for Year 12D & 12B Miss Kent and Mrs Steels classes

Hi AS year 12 Geographers!

While we are both away with our year 11's collecting data for their controlled assessment, please read this information for what you need to do while we are away.

For Mrs Steels class - 12B you will need to go and find your cover work.  She has left it at the front of the classrooms you normally have Geography in (Thursday periods 4&5 rm16 and Friday period 5 room 17).

For me (Miss Kent!) 12D - normally you would have a double lesson periods 2&3 on Friday.  I would like you to complete the following tasks:

(1)  Read the skills focus section on page 118 of the textbook.  Answer question one - quote lots of figures in your answer.
(2)  Answer the following question: 'Why are some places in the world 'switched off'?'  Use pages 118-119 to help you answer, please also carry out extra research to add to your answer - I do not just want info from the textbook.  eg. think about unfair trade.
(3)  I would like you to start putting together information on the following places:  Africa/China/India.  You are going to decide which of these places is 'switched on' and which are 'switched off'.  The type of information to look for is: World bank data - to look at development indicators eg. GDP, infant mortality etc.  Pull together half a page of A4 information for each place.
(4)  Come prepared to use this information at the start of the lesson on Monday the 8th of October.

12B - normally you would be period 4 on Friday.  I would like you to complete the following task:

The same as class 12D above - only points 3&4 ONLY as you have already completed points 1&2!

Please bring all this work with you on Monday/Tuesday when I see you all next.

See you next week,

Miss Kent :-)

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Hi Beaumont Geographers!

Check out this film that is on BBC4 this week: 'Surviving Progress'.  All about how we are challenging our planet to cope with economic development and population growth.  It is on BBC4 Thursday night (8th June) at 00.40am or watch it anytime this week on I-player as you may not stay awake that late! 

Especially useful for Y13's about to sit the Contested Planet exam. (All Geographers will find it interesting though!).

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Year 11 GCSE - Here are the completed options tables that go at the back of the workbook.  Check these against your answers to see which options are the best legacy for East London.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Tech Access Link

Click on ITU News Article, go to page 9.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

13C Lesson Links

You will need the links below for today's lesson:

Monday, 19 March 2012

Galapagos Management - NGOs

Look at the two NGOs below - how are they helping to manage the threats the Galapagos face?

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

13 Presentations

China - Water Transfers

Colorado River

Yellow River

Monday, 27 February 2012

GCSE Lake District Case Study

1) In your book, using the links below, explain how each solution is helping to solve the problem. Aim to write a small paragraph on each.
Three management solutions:
- Fix the Fells (footpath erosion)
- Cross Lakes Shuttle/ Give the Driver a Break (traffic congestion)
- Cut in second housing benefits and building affordable housing (second homes)

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

China's One Child Policy - Evaluation

Friday, 3 February 2012

13C work for week commencing Feb 6th

Miss Hosegood's work - please complete for the first Tuesday back after half term.

Lesson 11. Find a recent map showing global physical and economic scarcity. You will probably be able to find both pieces of information on the same map. Print off a copy for your folders.

2. Define the terms 'physical water scarcity' and 'economic water scarcity' in your notes.

3. Describe the pattern of global physical and economic water scarcity using your map.

4. Go onto this link and pick out three locations. Using the information on this webpage plus other research explain the why water has become an issue. A range of bullet points is fine for each location.

Lesson 2 & 3
1. Title: Water poverty and the Year of Sanitation

2. Find a map showing the global pattern for the Water Poverty Index. Find out how the Water Poverty Index is measured and using page 42 in your textbook or your own research list the main causes of water poverty.

3. The United Nations has included solving water poverty in the Millenium Development Goals. Go on to this link and using the menu down the left hand side find out the economic,social and environmental benefits of improved water quality/ supplies and how the UN is helping communities around the world to achieve this (click on link IYS in action on the left hand menu).

Any problems with the work just email me.

Mr Osborne's Work

Download the two documents below and complete the tasks (paste the links into your internet browser). To be completed for the first Monday lesson after the holidays.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Link for Year 11 Homework

Hi all,
the link below is the one I mentioned for your homework.

Click on green lifestyles when you get on the website.