Friday, 9 December 2011


The focus for the exam is below and then underneath it I have given you some guidance about the terms you need to be aware of and have given your 4 summary questions which you can start finding out the answers to from your folders. Please bullet point answers to these questions before your next Geography lesson.

Research Focus

OPTION 2: Cold Environments – Landscapes and Change

• Explore the processes which shaped the landscape during the Pleistocene within a region such as the British Isles.

• Research the wide variety of landscapes and landforms created at differing scales by glacial and periglacial processes within a chosen region.

Key terms to begin your preparation:
Glacial processes
Periglacial processes
Glacial landscapes
Glacial landforms
Periglacial landscapes
Periglacial landforms

Key questions to answer:
1) What is the Pleistocene (epoch)? What time period does it include? What was the distribution of cold environments during this time (ensure you include glacial and periglacial)?
2) What are the key glacial processes which would have been at work during this time?
3) What are the key periglacial processes which would have been at work during this time?
4) What landforms did these processes create in glacial and periglacial landscapes?