Wednesday, 16 February 2011

13B Work

Your work for this week and the holidays!
1) Look at your biosphere health map from the Red List and pick 2 or 3 places from the map. Find out why those areas are experiencing a loss of plant and animal species. Be ready to feed this back in a quick seminar when we get back.
2) Open the powerpoint from the link below. Print off the first slide which shows the different threats which affect the biosphere. Find an example from around the world where each of these threats is having an impact. You don't need a different country for each one but make sure you know what a little bit of detail to explain what is happening.
3) The second slide has some of the threats in the middle. Print off the slide and then add in the outer ring the underlying causes of those threats e.g. population rise.

Link to ppt:

The image on the second slide does not seem to be working so it is this image: